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Heavy Gear Blitz! - Northern Bear/Armored Hunter Two Pack

Heavy Gear Blitz! - Northern Bear/Armored Hunter Two Pack

  • The Bear/Armored Hunter Two Pack for Northern forces includes two Gear models players can build as either 2 Bearhunters or 2 Armored Hunters, or 1 of each.
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Heavy Gear Blitz! - Northern Bear/Armored Hunter Two Pack
Heavy Gear Blitz! - Northern Bear/Armored Hunter Two Pack
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The Bear/Armoured Hunter Two Pack for Northern CNCS faction forces includes two Hunter Heavy Gear models. Players can build these as either two Bearhunters, two Armoured Hunter Gears, or one of each. Both come with their stock weapons loadout of Light Autocannon, armoured Light Rocket Pack, Light Vibroblade and Heavy Infantry Mortar.

Armored Hunter

The Armoured Hunter, also known as “the armoured can”, is one of the rarest Hunter variants of all. The special program was an attempt to create a new type of Hunter that would be able to survive anything short of the firepower of a tank. Although the resulting armoured shell was fairly resistant to gear class weaponry, the machine proved to be about as agile as the average herding springer.


The Bearhunter has an uncommon origin. During a field exercise, a Bear technician happened to end up working on an Armoured Hunter’s engine. While a bit smaller, the Armoured Hunter’s engine had a very similar layout to the Bear’s Engine. Some tooling took place to replace the Armoured Hunter’s engine with the Bear’s engine. The consequent improvement in performance was startling, and the Bearhunter was born.

Bear/Armored Hunter Two Pack Contents

This pack includes two multi-part pewter models in 1/144th scale with plastic hex bases, one in standing and one in running pose. The rules for them and many other models can be found in the Force Compendium, which is also a free download on drivethrurpg.com.

The main difference between the 2 models is the v-engine; the Bearhunter v-engine is wider with a turbo charger mount in the centre top. Meanwhile the Armoured Hunter v-engine is of standard size with additional armour. The Bear/Armoured Hunter Two Pack included 2 of each v-engine so players can make two of either design or one of each.

Note: Model supplied unassembled and unpainted. Contents may vary from those pictured. Decals not included.

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