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Pathfinder II - Treasure Vault Pocket Edition

Pathfinder II - Treasure Vault Pocket Edition

  • Pathfinder Treasure Vault reveals the glittering hoard of a terrifying dragon, as presented by the creature’s plucky kobold assistant.
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Venture into the Vault!

Pathfinder Treasure Vault reveals the glittering hoard of a terrifying dragon, as presented by the creature’s plucky kobold assistant. This rulebook presents a catalog of new gear from nearly every category of equipment and magic item available in the Pathfinder RPG while also introducing entirely new categories of items as well. Give your character the perfect tool for the job with signature weapons, customizable relics, and wondrous items to fit your every need while preparing for any eventuality with potions, elixirs, wands, and more!

Each chamber of the dragon’s vault contains a mountain of treasure, from deadly new weapons and forgotten suits of armor to mysterious alchemical items and deadly poisons. There is something in the vault for everyone, including:

  • Nearly 600 new items spread across numerous equipment types.
  • Over 50 new weapons, such as the devastating earthbreaker hammer and the ferocious falcata.
  • New shields and armor, from wooden breastplates for druids to the magical starfall shield that turns you into a living comet!
  • An entire chapter, "Alchemy Unleashed," that introduces over 100 new alchemical items, covering everything from restorative lozenges to searing flamethrowers.
  • New magic items of all shapes and sizes, from magical tattoos to artifacts like the goddess Shelyn's mighty glaive, the Whisperer of Souls.
  • An entire chapter of new, variant, and expanded crafting rules.
  • New categories of items that can give you power that comes at a dangerous price.
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Jeżeli powyższy opis jest dla Ciebie niewystarczający, prześlij nam swoje pytanie odnośnie tego produktu. Postaramy się odpowiedzieć tak szybko jak tylko będzie to możliwe. Dane są przetwarzane zgodnie z polityką prywatności. Przesyłając je, akceptujesz jej postanowienia.

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Kieszonkowy arsenał jest fantastycznym uzupełnieniem repertuaru dla Mistrza Gry. Wersja kieszonkowa jest doskonale czytelna, mimo rozmiarów, a do tego wygodna do trzymania pod ręką w czasie sesji i transporcie.
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