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The Wildsea
The Wildsea
The Wildsea
The Wildsea
The Wildsea
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The Wildsea

  • The Wildsea is a tabletop roleplaying game for 2-6 players inspired by stories like Sunless Sea, Bastion, and the Bas-Lag Trilogy.
250,00 zł
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14 dni na łatwy zwrot
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Ennies 2023 - Nominacja w kategorii Najlepiej napisana gra

The Wildsea is a tabletop roleplaying game for 2-6 players inspired by stories like Sunless Sea, Bastion, and the Bas-Lag Trilogy. Set in a world overrun by greenery, Wildsea uses a narrative, fiction-first d6 dicepool system that draws inspiration from games like Belly of the Beast, Blades in the Dark, and 13th Age.

Some three hundred years ago the empires of the world were toppled by a wave of fast growing greenery, a tide of rampant growth spilling from the West known as the Verdancy.

Now chainsaw-driven ships cut their way across dense treetop waves, their engines powered by oilfruit, rope-golems, honey and pride.

You play a wildsailor, part of a motley crew consisting of humanity's weathered descendants, cactoid gunslingers, centipedal fungi, silk-clothed spiderfolk, and other, stranger things.

With your fellow crewmembers, you'll journey across the lingin' tide discovering charts, pursuing drives, and avoiding mires of the deep.

The Wildsea hungers and grows, roots sinking deep into the forest floor as the waves above ripple with life.  What will you discover in its depths?

The Wildsea is a fiction-first roleplaying game with narrative and character decisions driving your interaction with the mechanics of the Wild Words engine. The game uses a d6 narrative dicepool system that constantly pushes the story forward.

At character creation, players select a Bloodline, Origin and Post, each with a variety of options to inform and customize a character's background and playstyle:

  • Your Edges represent the way in which your character is most used to solving problems. Your Grace, Iron, Instinct, Sharps, Teeth, Tides, or Veils. 
  • Your Skills are more specific areas in which your character has training or a natural advantage. Things like Climbing, Charming, Cooking, Breaking, or Scavenging
  • You also have Aspects - gear, traits, or companions - that can be used, expended, or damaged throughout the course of play. 
  •  Resources are useful oddities, short term expendables used for things like whispers, scavenge, and specimens.
  • Your known Languages allow you to engage with different people and cultures in the diverse world of the Wildsea.  
  • Finally, your Drives and Mires define your personality, motivation, and long term goals. 

Each crew will also have their own ship, a vessel capable of braving the unique challenges of the lingin tide. You might cut a path with a chainsaw-ridged prow, drag yourself with hooks and grapples or scuttle from branch to branch on insectile limbs.

Customize and upgrade  your ship by designing its Size, Frame, Hull, Bite, and Engine, and outfitting  it with different Fittings. Make it your home on the waves! 


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Bid beautiful book, love it ❤️
Oleksandr, Gdynia
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Wildsea to system specyficzny ale jeśli dobrze go poznasz, to się zakochasz. Jest świetnie zaprojektowany, prosty a jednocześnie nie jest wybrakowany. Znajdują się w nim wszystkie narzędzia o które można prosić w takiej grze. Jeśli lubisz abstrakcję, trochę chloroplastów i naprawdę dzikie przygody - znajdziesz coś dla siebie.
Jakub, Wieruszów
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