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Trail of Cthulhu - The Book of the New Jerusalem

Trail of Cthulhu - The Book of the New Jerusalem

  • Written as the companion volume to Fearful Symmetries for Trail of Cthulhu, The Book of the New Jerusalem can be used as a Keeper’s resource as well as an in-game artefact for players in any Mythos game.
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The Secret War is coming to England. Will you be ready?

It is 1927.  As Britain continues her slow recovery, August Darcy, a young journalist, is seized with a strange obsession.  He must recover the very essence of England – her traditions, customs, and legends – and he must do that even at the cost of his livelihood; even if he loses the woman who is to be his wife.

Then, in the early 1930s, England experiences the first portents of a magical war. Darcy’s mythic sites are the hidden battle fields; and that forbidden knowledge, the esoteric ordnance of the forthcoming conflict.

The Book is replete with mythic sites, occult rumours, and clues which will guide you on your quest for forbidden knowledge.

Within these covers are the never-before-published early writings of the author of the The Book of the Smoke. Sketches of English life, in his unique style, are interspersed with private letters and diary extracts to offer an extraordinary insight into the victim of England’s most notorious occult crime. These are not romantic yearnings for a golden age long gone, but a timely reminder that the terrors of our forefathers still linger on the fringe of modernity.

Written as the companion volume to Fearful Symmetries for Trail of CthulhuThe Book of the New Jerusalem can be used as a Keeper’s resource as well as an in-game artefact for players in any Mythos game, and it stands alone as an entertaining guide to English folklore.

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