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[OUTLET] Coriolis - Mercy of Icons 3: Wake of the Icons
[OUTLET] Coriolis - Mercy of Icons 3: Wake of the Icons
[OUTLET] Coriolis - Mercy of Icons 3: Wake of the Icons
[OUTLET] Coriolis - Mercy of Icons 3: Wake of the Icons
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[OUTLET] Coriolis - Mercy of Icons 3: Wake of the Icons

  • Wake of the Icons is the third and final part of Mercy of the Icons, the epic and richly illustrated campaign for Coriolis – The Third Horizon.
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[OUTLET] Coriolis - Mercy of Icons 3: Wake of the Icons
[OUTLET] Coriolis - Mercy of Icons 3: Wake of the Icons
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Nightmares and premonitions wake you in a cold sweat, panic tightening your chest. “It began with rolling fields and an invitation. An outstretched hand – whose hand? Then a starry sky and the emptiness of space. You couldn’t breathe, your heart racing as you recognized a planet – the emerald – Kua, waiting for you. Glittering wings in the darkness surrounding you. Hundreds of butterflies followed by enormous shell-covered titans. A locust swarm coming to devour the Third Horizon.” 

In dreams and visions, something calls out into the dark space of the Third Horizon – a new presence or something old? It may hold the answers for the future – about a prophecy, the Chosen and the coming Horizon Wars. 

Wake of the Icons is the third and final part of Mercy of the Icons, the epic and richly illustrated campaign for Coriolis – The Third Horizon. This book contains:

  • Extensive background information for the Gamemaster, describing the events which threaten the Third Horizon.
  • A Song for Kua: The first scenario starts with a series of visions, bringing the characters back to Kua.
  • The Tenth Icon: The second scenario sets the characters on a diplomatic mission to Sadaal to acquire the Nadir Flotilla as war in the Third Horizon grows closer.
  • The Horizon Wars: In the final climactic scenario war breaks out and the characters must lead the people of the Third Horizon to victory.
  • A metagame where the Gamemaster and the players can play out the fleet movements and clashes of the war.
  • An extensive appendix containing over twenty different ship types that take part in the war of the horizons.
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