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Campfire - Anthology Horror Storytelling RPG
Campfire - Anthology Horror Storytelling RPG
Campfire - Anthology Horror Storytelling RPG
Campfire - Anthology Horror Storytelling RPG

Campfire - Anthology Horror Storytelling RPG

  • Campfire is a storytelling game for 2-6 players, designed to be played in an hour or two with cards, coins, and a special cloth playmat.
250,00 zł
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14 dni na łatwy zwrot
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Campfire is a storytelling game for 2-6 players, designed to be played in an hour or two with cards, coins, and a special cloth playmat. During a game, take turns as the Narrator and weave together people, places, and things using flavorful story prompts to set the scene. Collaborate to thrill, surprise, and terrify! 

  • Draw and interpret unique narrator cards to fuel your Campfire for never-the-same-twice gameplay

  • Cast embers into the fire: the terrified people, the cursed places, and awful things of your story

  • Collaborate, improvise, and shiver with this zero-prep storytelling game for any type of horror

If you’re a fan of approachable storytelling games like Fiasco or anthology horror like Are You Afraid of the Dark? or CreepshowCampfire is for you! Tell a story, from creeping start to bloody end, in a single two-hour session, all with zero-prep. 

Includes cloth playmat, complete rulebook, 141 cards including 8 unique story decks, 10 custom metal coins, and pad of 50 2-sided ember cards. 

Story decks included:

  • Mosh Macabre by Adam Vass 

    • Shed blood in the circle pit in this gory punk rock horror show. What would you do on your final night alive with a busted up six-string, a fist full of hate, and a smelly room full of leather-clad freaks?

  • Flutter by Banana Chan 

    • Things go wrong on an idyllic no-screens rural getaway with friends. Horror creeping like the slow flitter of colorful wings.

  • Kate M. Blood by Epidiah Ravachol 

    • Teenagers spend their weekends after curfew hanging out in the Riverside Cemetery. Then the women in white walked through their party.

  • Amidst the Stilts by Giuliano Roverato

    • On the mangroves of Brazil, an indebted loser finds a chance at a better life and something that should be left alone. A mysterious wooden saint cries dark tears.

  • The Emerald Triangle by Linda H. Codega

    • At the edge of the state where hippies stake out a final piece of farmland, biker gangs ride, and cryptid hunters lie in wait, hoping to catch a glimpse of sasquatch.

  • Pieces of Me by Maria Mison 

    • Clinical psychology states that trauma is the ultimate killer, stealing memories one would never recover. From the frayed bits and details, could you piece together the truth of your diagnosis?

  • Family Vacation ‘94 by Trevor Henderson 

    • In theory, this had been the vacation they’d been waiting for. But after taking a strange shortcut, they’ve found themselves trapped in a maze of rust and dirt, ancient and abandoned.

  • The Babel File by Will Jobst

    • They came from another place, pressing down cropfields in swirling fractals. It didn’t feel real until we were there, trespassing and camped out in a hayloft, waiting for…anything. 

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