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Earthdawn 4e - Gamemaster's Guide

Earthdawn 4e - Gamemaster's Guide

  • The Gamemaster’s Guide provides rules and advice for running the Earthdawn game, and includes an exploration of the lands of Barsaive, as well as numerous fantastic creatures and magical treasures to challenge and reward your players!
180,00 zł
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An age of magic once existed in our world. Lost to history, this time is remembered in the echoes of myth and legend. Humans lived alongside the other Namegiver races—dwarf and elf, troll and ork, windling, t’skrang and obsidiman. The wild places of the world were home to griffins, shadowmants, and other fantastic beasts.The land was once besieged by the Horrors, foul creatures from the depths of astral space that sought to feed upon and destroy all that was living and good.

Their time—the time of the Scourge—has passed, and the people have returned to the surface, reclaiming the lands that were once their home.Brave heroes band together to explore the land of Barsaive, fighting the Horrors that remain, and protecting their homes and families from those that would enslave them.

The Gamemaster’s Guide provides rules and advice for running the Earthdawn game, and includes an exploration of the lands of Barsaive, as well as numerous fantastic creatures and magical treasures to challenge and reward your players!

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