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Europa Universalis - Fate of Empires (rozszerzenie dla 5-6 graczy)
Europa Universalis - Fate of Empires (rozszerzenie dla 5-6 graczy)
Europa Universalis - Fate of Empires (rozszerzenie dla 5-6 graczy)
Europa Universalis - Fate of Empires (rozszerzenie dla 5-6 graczy)

Europa Universalis - Fate of Empires (rozszerzenie dla 5-6 graczy)

  • This is the expansion to the Standard Edition of Europa Universalis: The Price of Power, adding 5-6 players, the East Europe Map, and Age IV.
240,00 zł
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This is the expansion to the Standard Edition of Europa Universalis: The Price of Power, adding 5-6 players, the East Europe Map, and Age IV.

Govern one of Europe's great nations through the Ages of Discovery, Reformation, Absolutism, and Revolutions — spanning more than three hundred years of history. Lift your nation out of the slumber of the Dark Ages and create a glorious empire, through clever diplomacy, brave exploration, and ruthless conquest. Each of the playable nations have their own very unique opportunities and challenges.

Europa Universalis is a strategy board game that gives players a full 4X game experience in a historical setting. Through the strategic use of cards and careful management of resources, you can expand your realm on the map board, while at the same time developing the internal machinery of the state on your player board. You must build diplomatic relations that support your ambition and you can explore far-away parts of the world. By recruiting skilled advisors and carefully investing monarch power in great ideas, province development, and long-term strategies, you may well be able to outshine your historical counterparts.

This is a game for 1–6 players (depending on the various scenarios included). The goal of the game is to build the most successful empire, and points are scored for (amongst other things) owned provinces, explored territories, diplomatic relations, victories in wars, and secret objectives that have been accomplished.

The board game is based on the famous strategy game series by Paradox Interactive and captures the heart and soul of the grandness that makes the computer game so magnificent.

Includes solo mode by Dávid Turczi.

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