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Glitter Hearts

Glitter Hearts

  • Glitter Hearts is an action-packed RPG in a fun filled world of everyday people who transform into powerful super heroes that fight off the forces of evil.
155,00 zł
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Glitter Hearts is an action-packed RPG in a fun filled world of everyday people who transform into powerful super heroes that fight off the forces of evil. Your character will try to find the balance between their everyday life needs and heeding the call to save the world. You and your friends will create your own hero, your own team, and even your own special mascot. With over 150 different moves to choose from, you can build your ideal magical hero that is uniquely you!

Glitter Hearts rules are easy to learn and building your own character is a simple process of making choices that fit your vision. When building a character, you will choose:

  • Your everyday identity – who you are when you aren’t your heroic alter ego.
  • Your magical archetype – what type of hero are you? A warrior, witch, idol, defender, or tactician.
  • Your mystical connection – which element or emotion do you draw your power from?

And then choose your actions from there until you’ve built your hero.

While based off many popular magical girls shows, Glitter Hearts can be set in any time, place, or world that you can imagine. All you need to play is 3-6 players, a pair of six-sided dice, and a few hours to play.

So hop in, transform yourself into the hero of your dreams, and explore the world of Glitter Hearts!

Visit the website leatherman.games for more resources.

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