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Heart: The City Beneath

Heart: The City Beneath

  • Domyślny opis krótki
350,00 zł
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Heart: The City Beneath is an award-winning complete tabletop roleplaying game about delving into a nightmare undercity that will give you everything you’ve ever dreamed of – or kill you in the process. It is a dungeon-crawling, story-forward tabletop RPG from the designers of Spire that focuses on what characters have to lose in pursuit of their dreams in the chaotic darkness beneath the world.


  • Full rules for playing and running games of Heart
  • Nine strange character classes and five dangerous callings
  • 21 Zenith Abilities – the ultimate expressions of power – almost all of which kill the user when activated
  • Over 50 landmarks to explore such as predatory pubs, entropy machines, community centres in churches devoted to forbidden gods, cursed underground stations, vast subterranean forests and portals to multiple heavens  
  • Over 30 adversaries to avoid, put down or get killed by such as the cannibalistic Butcher, the pathetic Feral Psychopomp, mad trees, train worshippers, burnt-out occultists and Flightless Owl Hives
  • Over 40 gorgeous full-colour illustrations by Felix Miall
  • An extensive gamesmaster advice section with guidance for all experience levels

Sharing a setting with Spire, Heart expands the unreal world beneath it. It uses an expanded and updated version of the Resistance system, the mechanics that power Spire, to help you tell stories of desperation, hubris and adventure in the City Beneath.

In 2021 Heart: The City Beneath won a total of seven ENnies, including golds for Best Setting, Best Writing and Best Layout.

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