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Heavy Gear Blitz! - Utopia Commander Tokens Pack

Heavy Gear Blitz! - Utopia Commander Tokens Pack

  • The Utopia Commander Tokens Pack includes the faction tokens that a Utopian commander will need.
100,00 zł
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The Utopia Commander Tokens Pack includes all the faction tokens that a Utopian commander will need. It includes 17 laser etched and cut green acrylic tokens displaying the Utopia logo, plus a Heavy Gear Blitz Measuring Tool for fast 0.5″, 1″, 1.5″, 2″, and 3″ measurements, also in green acrylic.

Utopia: Drones of Desolation

Utopia no more, the years following Earth’s withdrawal were a cruel time for the Utopians. Conflict arose and lead to total war with all the horrors of nuclear and biological weaponry being used indiscriminately, laying utter waste to a previously verdant planet. The world’s population huddled in their bunkers and waited for the madness to end, but as the war ended the surface had become unliveable. The survivors chose to expand their massive bunkers and the development of the Deep Cities resulted.

Due to the necessity of preserving life, warfare in the post-Great War years was largely fought by automated drones, which increasingly became more and more sophisticated. When the CEF returned to Utopia they encountered a devastated planet with superior technology compared to their own. Faced with the prospect of a force armed with superior technology, the CEF chose to ally themselves with the Utopians.


  • 4x 40mm Round Objective token markers (numbered 1 to 4)
  • 5x Close Cut 30mm Victory Point tokens
  • 4x 25mm Round Command Point tokens (C for Command Point and Circle shape)
  • 4x 25mm Square Skill Point tokens (S for Skill Point and Square shape)
  • 1x Heavy Gear Blitz Measuring Tool

Note: Contents may vary from those pictured.

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