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Jovian Wars - Jovian Godsfire Command Carrier

Jovian Wars - Jovian Godsfire Command Carrier

  • The Godsfire Command Carrier includes a Godsfire-class capital ship to use in your Jovian fleet for Jovian Wars.
105,00 zł
brutto / szt.
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14 dni na łatwy zwrot
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This pack includes one Jovian Godsfire-class Command Carrier model in 1/4000 Scale and its acrylic base. It includes all the resin and pewter parts to make a standard Godsfire-class ship.

When it was designed, the Godsfire-class Carrier was the largest military spacecraft ever to set sail. Intended to be the flagship vessels of the three Jovian fleets, everything about them was a display of power. Since the creation of the Ypres and Majestic-class vessels, they no longer stand alone in terms of size. However, they still represent the cream of Jovian shipbuilding, and the closest to the dream of creating one massive ship that could do everything. Wielding an impressive array of powerful weapons, as well as hangers for multiple squadrons, the Godsfire-class is the most fearsome vessel. 

You can include 1 Godsfire-class Command Carrier in your Jovian Fleet per 250 points of fleet size; the cost of each Godsfire is 99 points.


  • 1x Godsfire Command Carrier model
  • 1x 4″ x 2″ Acrylic base and 1 7/8″ long mounting post (1/8″ diameter)

Note: Model supplied unassembled and unpainted. The contents may vary from those pictured.

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