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Jovian Wars - Jovian Ypres Battleship

Jovian Wars - Jovian Ypres Battleship

  • This pack includes one Jovian Ypres-class model in 1/4000 Scale and its acrylic base. It includes all the resin and pewter parts to make a standard Ypres-class ship.
105,00 zł
brutto / szt.
Cena regularna / szt.
14 dni na łatwy zwrot
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The Ypres class is a purpose-built battleship. Unlike the Godsfire and Majestic, it is not designed to carry squadrons into battle; its sole purpose is to carry enough direct-fire and missile weaponry into battle to make the enemy’s life impossible.

As well as ample Kinetic Kill Cannon Turrets and missiles, it carries powerful forward-firing particle accelerators. In addition to these, its most powerful weapon system is a prow-mounted double spinal laser; each is as powerful as the version on the Valiant-class cruiser, both together forming the most powerful weapon in the JAF armoury.  With this it can take on even the largest capital ships with little to fear!

This pack includes one Jovian Ypres-class model in 1/4000 Scale and its acrylic base. It includes all the resin and pewter parts to make a standard Ypres-class ship.

You can include 1 Ypres-class Battleship in your Jovian Fleet per 250 points of fleet size, at a cost of 95 points; make sure to support it with squadrons and smaller escort ships though!


  • 1x Ypres Battleship model
  • 1x 4″ x 2″ Acrylic base and 1 7/8″ long mounting post (1/8″ diameter)

Note: Model supplied unassembled and unpainted. The contents may vary from those pictured.

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