Lamentations of the Flame Princess - World of the Lost
Lamentations of the Flame Princess - World of the Lost
- World of the Lost is an adventure for characters levels 1-4, featuring a 200-encounter wilderness hexcrawl, a city sourcebook, a dungeon, quests, diseases, new spells, and new magic items.
Quicksand, Jungle Rot, and Psychotic Robots
Each year, the citizens of Khirima offer a massive tribute of silver to the demons which dwell within the Temple of Ages That Are Not. To acquire the silver for themselves, the adventurers must face bellowing dinosaurs, plague demons, the horrors which dwell within the Abscess, and a dungeon where memory is an illusion and time is a weapon.
World of the Lost is an adventure for characters levels 1-4, featuring a 200-encounter wilderness hexcrawl, a city sourcebook, a dungeon, quests, diseases, new spells, and new magic items.
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To nie moduł, a przynajmniej nie tylko moduł – jest w nim tyle informacji, że wystarczyłoby na pełny setting. Bardzo ciekawy hexcrawl z oryginalnym tematem i masą losowych tabelek. Wymaga sporo pracy od mistrza gry przed rozpoczęciem prowadzenia, ale rewanżuje się aż 200 heksami, każdy z unikalnym spotkaniem.
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