Meanwhile, in the Subway
- The subway runs below the city; no map binds it and what happens in its hallways is never completely coherent. Each station is unique and a source of unexpected adventures. Each passenger, when met, turns out to be someone amazing.
The subway runs below the city; no map binds it and what happens in its hallways is never completely coherent.
Each station is unique and a source of unexpected adventures.
Each passenger, when met, turns out to be someone amazing.
Sometimes, people leave the subway, bringing the memories and dreams of their stories with them…
· A setting for games such as Itras By, Troika or Electric Bastionland
· A standalone game with its own system which requires a GM and 3 to 5 players, and can be played as a 2-hour one-shot adventure or as a longer campaign
· A beautifully laid-out, double-sided, imaginary subway map you could proudly display in your living room
The 90 x 60cm map includes:
· Random lists in the form of subway lines, with dozens to hundreds of stations to generate characters and weird adventure seeds
· A game system based on the interpretation of one-word symbols, to introduce chance in your games rather than deciding whether actions succeed or fail
· Advice on how to run the game, how to add your own content to it and how to insert it in your favorite setting