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Nibiru Core Book

Nibiru Core Book

  • Nibiru is a Science Fiction Roleplaying Game of Lost Memories. Players take on the role of Vagabonds: amnesiacs lost in a massive space station, home to millions, where stories of drama and struggle are written on a daily basis.
175,00 zł
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Remember Your Past. Secure Your Future

Nibiru is a Science Fiction Roleplaying Game of Lost Memories. Players take on the role of Vagabonds: amnesiacs lost in a massive space station, home to millions, where stories of drama and struggle are written on a daily basis.

The Nibiru Corebook features everything you need to play the game.

  • An introduction to the Skyless World, and to human history on the third Flicker.
  • Three fully detailed chapters with sample settlements and maps, for the known regions of Antumbra, Penumbra and Umbra, and featuring a large foldable insert to track your journeys across the Skyless World.
  • The innovative MEMOs System, which builds your character as you unearth and write their lost Memories, rewarding your creativity.
  • Revelations give extra dimensions to your writing. From rewarding you for writing in rhyme or creating expansive story arcs, to concocting poisons made of your worst memories and "storing" moments of your past into objects, Revelations take the MEMOs System to a whole other level. 
  • A deep and detailed bestiary of creatures and AIs to populate the Skyless World with, full of interesting details and engaging storyhooks. 
  • An origin story for your group to start off right from the get go, serving as an introduction to the weird world of Nibiru.
  • And much more!
You only need the corebook and a handful of regular four sided dice to play Nibiru.
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