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Night's Black Agents - The Dracula Dossier: Thrill of Dracula

Night's Black Agents - The Dracula Dossier: Thrill of Dracula

  • In THE THRILL OF DRACULA, Kenneth Hite takes apart Dracula — the novel, the movies, the myth, even the history — into his component pieces: characters, tropes, symbols, story beats, effects.
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In THE THRILL OF DRACULA, Kenneth Hite takes apart Dracula — the novel, the movies, the myth, even the history — into his component pieces: characters, tropes, symbols, story beats, effects. With those pieces, Ken shows you how to build new yet mythic stories about the King of the Vampires or about your own creatures of the night, tuned for thriller adventure, cosmic horror, or even intense personal drama. This standalone book suitable for all fans of games, storytelling, and Dracula will be delivered in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats.

From the first medieval atrocity stories about Vlad the Impaler to Bram Stoker’s immortal novel to the most recent Universal blockbusters, The Thrill of Dracula zooms through centuries of blood, bats, and – ballet? — to bring you the most complete look at the Count’s story ever!

  • See Dracula take on not just Van Helsing but Batman, Blade, Buffy, Billy the Kid — and Abbott and Costello!
  • Read the occult mysteries behind Nosferatu, and untangle the shifting time and space of the Hammer Dracula series!
  • Follow Dracula into space, and into Spanish!

The Thrill of Dracula includes:

  • The first Dracula legends, from dancing dead men to the garden of the hanged
  • The foundation pieces of the novel and the myth: characters, settings, tropes and story beats
  • Plots and reviews of 40 movies, including every Dracula film from Universal and Hammer Films – and how they too have added to the Dracula mythology

Geniuses from Orson Welles to Werner Herzog have remade Dracula – now you can, too! Hite gives you their tools, tools you can use to build new yet mythic stories about the King of the Vampires or about your own creatures of the night, tuned for thriller adventure, cosmic horror, or even intense personal drama.

So sharpen your stakes and prepare for the thrill of your Un–Lifetime — The Thrill of Dracula!

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4.96 / 5.00 1683 opinii
Zaufane Opinie IdoSell
Szybka wysyłka i bardzo ładna figurka :) Super!
Wszystko jak w zegarku!