Old-School Essentials - Palace of the Golden Princess - Into the Ruins #1
Old-School Essentials - Palace of the Golden Princess - Into the Ruins #1
- An adventure inspired by the most scandalous fantasy adventure of 1981, Jean Wells's Palace of the Silver Princess.
Przygoda w języku angielskim do gry fabularnej OSE.
An adventure inspired by the most scandalous fantasy adventure of 1981, Jean Wells's Palace of the Silver Princess.
About the adventure:
Experience the Queendom of Alluvia, a corrupt matriarchy ruled by the evil Queen Arika Fallenstar, and the ruins of the centuries-old palace belonging to the Governor she deposed.
Discover the clues of Queen Arika’s treachery in the 3-level dungeon populated by a variety of threats including some that a wise party should flee.
Explore the vast world of All Under Heaven, set in the vast fantasy crossroads between two empires, one western, one eastern.
For use with Old-School Essentials.
32 strony.
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