Old-School Essentials - Till Death Do Us Part
Old-School Essentials - Till Death Do Us Part
- Till Death Do Us Part is a 32-page adventure designed for three characters of 3rd level. It asks the party to escort a two VIPs across a treacherous route to deliver the bride to the altar in time for her wedding. Play solo or multiplayer.
Przygoda w języku angielskim do gry fabularnej OSE i dowolnego innego retroklona.
Ugh. Escort missions. All of the grind of being a merchant guard, with a high-maintenance and often reluctant upper-class fellow traveler making life on the road go rather less smoothly than one would like.
Will the principal arrive in one piece? Or will they run off with one of the other members of the entourage ... or even a PC?
Is this a romantic marriage made in heaven, or the beginning of lethal political intrigue? Politics makes strange bedfellows, and the current situation is no different.
Till Death Do Us Part is a 32-page adventure designed for three characters of 3rd level. It asks the party to escort a two VIPs across a treacherous route to deliver the bride to the altar in time for her wedding. Play solo or multiplayer.
An adventure for OSE.
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Jeśli komuś podszedł podręcznik do OSE z opisem settingu "Isle of Sedra", to ta przygoda - opisana w formie gry paragrafowej na mechanice OSE - zapoda dodatkowe informacje o lorze Sedry. Nada się też np. do poprowadzenia jako spin-offowa odskocznia od granej klasycznie kampanii na wyspie Sedry, np. wówczas gdy na jakąś sesję nie stawi się cały wymagany skład graczy.
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