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Pathfinder II - Adventure: Crown of the Kobold King

Pathfinder II - Adventure: Crown of the Kobold King

  • Celebrate Paizo’s 20th Anniversary with a glorious new edition of Crown of the Kobold King, the epic original Pathfinder adventure!
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Celebrate Paizo’s 20th Anniversary with a glorious new edition of Crown of the Kobold King, the epic original Pathfinder adventure! The town of Falcon’s Hollow is no stranger to peril, yet the danger growing in the dungeons below a nearby ruin pose a threat that only a new band of heroes can face. Ravenous undead, cunning kobolds, and sinister necromancers are but a few of the foes that shall soon menace the small lumber town, yet none are potentially as dangerous as the Kobold King himself!

This deluxe, 128-page hardcover gathers three classic Pathfinder adventures into one unforgettable compilation, expanding them into a mini-campaign and introducing a brand-new dungeon level for heroes to explore. Completely updated to Pathfinder Second Edition, the insidious Kobold King and his minions return to bedevil a new generation of adventurers! Will your heroes save the town of Falcon’s Hollow from the Kobold King, or are they doomed to become the king’s latest trophies?

The Crown of the Kobold King contains:

  • The original adventures Hollow’s Last Hope, Crown of the Kobold King, and Hungry are the Dead, all expanded and updated for use with Pathfinder Second Edition.
  • Over a hundred pages of adventure for 1st to 6th-level parties.
  • A full gazetteer of the lumber town of Falcon’s Hollow.
  • Fifteen new magic items and other new treasures to discover.
  • Eight classic monsters from the original adventures, all brand new to Pathfinder Second Edition.
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