Primal Quest Essentials - The Demon From The Depths
Primal Quest Essentials - The Demon From The Depths
- This supplement presents procedures and random tables to create deities, religious organizations, places of worship, rituals and even divine blessings that bring new magic and spells to the players.
The Frogkin have kidnapped the shaman's child!
The Demon From The Depths is an adventure where the PCs are tasking with rescuing a monkey child who was kidnapped by Frogkin and set to be sacrificed to the Frog God. Will the PCs save the child and receive great thanks from the Pekik, a race of intelligent monkey? Will they devise an alternate way for themselves to receive the Frog God's blessing? Find out in this action-packed pamphlet!
For use with Primal Quest Essentials!
Created by Stefan Surrat for DragonPeak Publishing
Layout by Diogo Nogueira
An Exalted Funeral Exclusive!
8.5" x 11" (flat size) trifold pamphlet, full color both sides. Includes PDF.
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Kolejny moduł przygody third-party publishera, Stefana Surrata, zgrabnie napisany w formie pamfletu, do dołączenia do swojej rozgrywanej kampanii w Primala, w którym zostawiono dla mistrza gry opcje rozbudowy o własne pomysły.
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