Sentinel Comics RPG Special Edition Core Rulebook
- Bound in high quality leather with embossed foil ink on the cover, the Special Edition rulebook is a classy companion for your tabletop gaming experience!
The core rulebook teaches you everything you need to play Sentinel Comics: the Roleplaying Game, whether playing a hero, or running the game as the GM. It has full, robust rules for hero creation (that we will be showcasing more in an update, coming soon!), as well as a vast set of tools for GMs to create their own minions, lieutenants, challenges, villains, environments, doomsday devices, action scenes, and so much more!
For those of you looking for something a little more fancy, we present the Special Edition of the Sentinel Comics: the Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook! Bound in high quality leather with embossed foil ink on the cover, the Special Edition rulebook is a classy companion for your tabletop gaming experience. It also features exciting hero and villain art on the inside front and back cover pages, as well as four ribbons sewn into the binding, for keeping tabs on pages you frequently reference.
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