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Settlers of a Dead God
Settlers of a Dead God
Settlers of a Dead God
Settlers of a Dead God
Settlers of a Dead God
Settlers of a Dead God

Settlers of a Dead God

  • We do not know what was before the Dead God, but one thing is certain: we were born on a sacred corpse floating in the universal ether and slowly decomposing. Everything that lived before the great God was forgotten with its death.
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Książka w języku angielskim.

We do not know what was before the Dead God, but one thing is certain: we were born on a sacred corpse floating in the universal ether and slowly decomposing. Everything that lived before the great God was forgotten with its death.  

From the decomposing body of this immense being brought life; its blood formed the seas that bathe the coasts, its skin became the land, deserts, and mountains. And from its tears, rivers and lakes were born. The insects were the first inhabitants who walked this putrid land and through the infinite power emanating from within they evolved into insectoids; new beings with powers far superior to those of their ancestors.  

The different species of insectoids organized themselves into tribes, cities, and kingdoms during a period of peace, leading to an age of discovery. The explorers gradually created a map of the lands they inhabited, discovering they lived upon a divine corpse.  

Settlers of a Dead God is a forthcoming setting for the Old School Essentials roleplaying game that can be easily adapted to a multitude of systems. 

This new book is a comprehensive guide for embarking on adventures in the land of the Dead God, encompassing 96 pages with artwork, detailed descriptions, and new rules tailored for exploring this mysterious setting.

About the game:

We do not know what was before the Dead God, but one thing is certain: we were born on a sacred corpse floating in the universal ether and slowly decomposing. Everything that lived before the great God was forgotten with its death.

From the decomposing body of this immense being brought life; its blood formed the seas that bathe the coasts, its skin became the land, deserts, and mountains. And from its tears, rivers and lakes were born. The insects were the first inhabitants who walked this putrid land and through the infinite power emanating from within they evolved into insectoids; new beings with powers far superior to those of their ancestors.

The different species of insectoids organized themselves into tribes, cities, and kingdoms during a period of peace, leading to an age of discovery. The explorers gradually created a map of the lands they inhabited, discovering they lived upon a divine corpse.

Inside the book you will find:

  • Geography of the Dead God
  • History and cities of the World
  • 19 new Creatures
  • Full description of the interior of the Dead God
  • 6 playable Insectoid Species
  • New rules for stress and travelling
  • Introductory adventure: The horn of Goliathus Regius
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