Tales from the Smoking Wyrm Issue 04
Tales from the Smoking Wyrm Issue 04
- The Wyrm is big fan of gaming zines of all stripes, and we hope to bring you the same high-quality content for a DCC audience!
Zin w języku angielskim do Dungeon Crawl Classics.
Tales from the Smoking Wyrm is a fanzine inspired not just by the roleplaying game Dungeon Crawl Classics (DCC), but also by the wondrous fanzines of the past 40 years! While we focus on DCC, the material produced can be easily translated into any Old School Renaissance (OSR) system, or even 5th edition D&D!
The fourth issue will contain eight features, usable by both players and judges:
- Trolls—We delve deep into Scandinavian lore to explore the troll folklore and myth. Trolls are so diverse a group that we had to build not one, but three classes to fit them all in! Trolls are fae in nature and make wonderful PCs for any group!
- On Luck: Trolls—We a start a new regular series with this issue, On Luck! DCC RPG features the wonderful Luck mechanic, and here we delve into ways to hack it, and make it even cooler! This issue we pair this piece with the troll class and investigate how trolls might use luck differently than other classes.
- Familiars—We hinted at them in issue 3, but they are finally here—two new familiar types, elemental motes and jinn!
- Cullpepper's Herbal—More herbs for your game! This time, we feature two herbs—Black Alder and Angelica are all waiting for you to delve into! No adventurer should be without these!
- Organizations—The beginning of another series where we explore the concept of organizations in roleplaying in general and discuss the salient features an organization needs to really be used effectively in any roleplaying game. To top this article off--we explore three different organizations, breathing some depth into two organizations presented in the DCC RPG and offering up a new one on top of that!
- Ponteverdian Potted Meat—You're deep underground, without easy access to the surface and the fresh markets above. How do you survive? Ponteverdian Potted Meat covers 6 different preserved products, and how they can help prolong your life in the hardest of places to find nourishment! Come join us for a truly delectable discussion about something every character needs—FOOD!
- Onward Retainer, starring the Legion—The fourth installment of our adventuring comic in an old school style, brought to you by Joel Phillips! The tension mounts in the pages we present in this issue!
- Wyrm Words—A word puzzle of all the Gygaxian words in the fourth issue—this way, a definition is never in doubt! Also included are the answers to the third issue's Wyrm Words.
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O całej serii zinów Tales from the Smoking Wyrm jak również Smoking Wyrm Monographs można w wielkim skrócie napisać, że jest to porządnie rozpisany stuff. Wymieniać, co każdy ZIN zawiera nie trzeba ze względu na dokładny opis wydawcy, z którego dokładnie wynika, co dostajemy. Ja jedynie mogę skomentować, że jest to materiał na bardzo wysokim poziomie jakości i przydatności.
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