Tales from the Smoking Wyrm Issue 07
Tales from the Smoking Wyrm Issue 07
- The Wyrm is big fan of gaming zines of all stripes, and we hope to bring you the same high-quality content for a DCC audience!
Zin w języku angielskim do Dungeon Crawl Classics.
Tales from the Smoking Wyrm is a fanzine inspired not just by the roleplaying game Dungeon Crawl Classics (DCC), but also by the wondrous fanzines of the past 40 years! While we focus on DCC, the material produced can be easily translated into any Old School Renaissance (OSR) system, or even 5th edition D&D!
The seventh issue contains seven features, usable by both players and judges:
- Hero Crawl Classics—James Michael Spahn brings you the DCC variant you didn't know you needed but will love exploring! In this article are all the random tables you need to modify your game to mimic the more heroic fiction of Appendix N! This is a massive article and full of crunch for players and judge alike!
- New Patron: Caenv—A whole new patron! Caenv is devoted to riddling through the mysteries of the universe and helps those who hurtle through darkened corridors of intrigue, deception, and betrayal navigate a very dangerous world! Inspired by the darker areas of Appendix N, and a healthy dose of modern TV thrown in for good measure. This rather large article covers all the strangeness of Caenv in one place!
- Patron Missions: Caenv—Since we introduce Caenv in issue 7, we thought we would include Caenv's patron missions here as well! Seven short missions for adherents of Caenv to undertake when they owe their patron after invoking assistance! This is the third installment of our ongoing series of missions for adherents of different patrons.
- Cullpepper's Herbal—More herbs for your game! This time, we feature two new herbs: Balm and Barley. Make the most of the wilderness you travel through!
- Onward Retainer, starring the Legion—The seventh installment of our adventuring comic in an old school style, brought to you by Joel Phillips!
- Angsty Warlocks—Got a warlock who doesn't want to play nice with their patrons? A short piece of advice for judges stuck in the situation where characters aren't living up to their end of the patron bargain...
- Wyrm Words—A word puzzle of all the Gygaxian words in the seventh issue—this way, a definition is never in doubt! Also included are the answers to the Issue #6's Wyrm Words.
Also, how cool is it that we have a seventh article of a seventh issue!?! Makes me want to sing Iron Maiden's Seventh Son of a Seventh Son all day long! Honestly though, Caenv and Hero Crawl Classics are just brimming with juicy goodness, prophecy, and other coolness!
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O całej serii zinów Tales from the Smoking Wyrm jak również Smoking Wyrm Monographs można w wielkim skrócie napisać, że jest to porządnie rozpisany stuff. Wymieniać, co każdy ZIN zawiera nie trzeba ze względu na dokładny opis wydawcy, z którego dokładnie wynika, co dostajemy. Ja jedynie mogę skomentować, że jest to materiał na bardzo wysokim poziomie jakości i przydatności.
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