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The Crushing Dark

The Crushing Dark

  • The Crushing Dark is a solo journeying game where you'll explore the crushing depths of the sea on a voyage of scientific discovery... and dread.
75,00 zł
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The Crushing Dark is a solo journeying game where you'll explore the crushing depths of the sea on a voyage of scientific discovery... and dread.

As your claustrophobic bathysphere descends into the dark, you'll record your observations and thoughts as you encounter stunning sights, strange vistas, and come face to face with your own sense of mortality and purpose.

What awaits you, down there in the dark? How much of that darkness are you bringing with you, dangling in the deep, at the end of your rope?

This work is based on The Wretched (found at http://loottheroom.itch.io/wretched), product of Chris Bissette and Loot The Room, and licensed for our use under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/).

THE WRETCHED™ is a trademark of Chris Bissette. The Wretched and Alone logo is © Chris Bissette, and is used with permission.

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