The Electrum Archive Issue 02
The Electrum Archive Issue 02
- This is the 2nd issue of The Electrum Archive, an RPG zine series exploring the science-fantasy setting of Orn, a world where adventurers delve into ancient alien shipwrecks in search of a magical ink which is used as both currency and spellcasting fuel.
“Titan Port. Seat of House Ker Onar. Haven for those who venture forth into the Electrum Sea.”
This is the second issue of The Electrum Archive, an RPG zine series exploring the science-fantasy setting of Orn, a world where adventurers delve into ancient alien shipwrecks in search of a magical ink which is used as both currency and spellcasting fuel.
Issue two focuses on Titan Port, a desert city teeming with scheming factions and opportunities for adventure. It is a perfect starting location for your adventures in the surrounding Electrum Sea and beyond.
What's in this zine?
Besides descriptions of Titan Port's districts and factions, and the wonderful black-and-white illustrations, this thick 80-page zine includes:
- Two table-ready adventures in Titan Port: a dungeoncrawl through an old tomb which now houses a fleshgrafter and her experiments, and a heist to steal an item from an influential warlock's tower.
- A procedure for downtime activities like martial training, crafting, carousing, building institutions, trapping spirits, undergoing fleshgraft surgery, and more!
- Rules for hirelings, drugs, NPC warlocks, traveling the desert, haggling and more!
- New backgrounds and character options for Vagabond, Fixer, and Warlock characters.
- A random mutation table for those unfortunate enough to inhale warpgas.
- Rules for haggling and a table of rare trade goods.
- A large map of the Titan Port.
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Opinia potwierdzona zakupem
Drugi numer zinu dodaje masę nowych opcji, nowe backgroundy, nowe zdolności dla trzech klas, poszerza głębię i procedury rozgrywki o mutacje, najemników, dragi, podróżne po pustyni i inne oraz lore/worldbuilding - dochodzi moduł z miastem startowym, porządnie opisanym, w tym z dwoma dungeonami gotowymi do rozegrania. Polecam jako doskonałe uzupełnienie i rozszerzenie koncepcji zawartych w issue 1! :)
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