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Trail of Cthulhu - Fearful Symmetries

Trail of Cthulhu - Fearful Symmetries

  • In this supplement to Trail of Cthulhu, you play a group of magicians exploring the magickal revival; wielding the terrible, double-edged power that grants both dominion and degeneration.
160,00 zł
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For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

– William Blake, The Four Zoas (from Ephesians 6:12)

The Secret War is coming to England. And you are the warriors.

Albion, the primeval and perfect England of William Blake, is broken – by war in heaven, and turmoil amongst mankind. Heroes arise to build Jerusalem anew in the Green & Pleasant Land guided by Blake’s visionary poetry.

In this supplement to Trail of Cthulhu, you play a group of magicians exploring the magickal revival; wielding the terrible, double-edged power that grants both dominion and degeneration.

With its companion volume, The Book of the New Jerusalem, Fearful Symmetries gives the Keeper guidelines for building an improvised campaign with dangers drawn from English folklore and Mythos abomination. Four systems of magic are described, along with locations, threats, tomes, and characters. Use Fearful Symmetries to flesh out the struggle between the lurking horror, and the shrivelled good intentions of those who think such power can be contained, and controlled, by mere mortals.

The magical battle for England is coming. Is your humanity the price of victory?

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