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Troika - Articles of the Arcana

Troika - Articles of the Arcana

  • Articles of the Arcana is a tarot-inspired supplement for Troika.
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"Tarot—much like Troika—is about interpretation, personal experience, and instinct."

Articles of the Arcana is a tarot-inspired supplement for Troika, the other world's favorite RPG, created by the Melsonian Arts Council. It is a collection of new character options and  campaign prompts, all accompanied by dozens of pieces of beautiful art crafted by an amazing array of artists. 

Troika is a tabletop roleplaying game that focuses on telling awesome stories without getting bogged down in rules. This meshes perfectly with tarot, which encourages you to interpret and impart meaning onto the game, not be confined or dictated by it. If you're looking for a game that will let you tell amazing stories, Troika is for you. For a quick primer on Troika, we recommend checking out the official Troika website.

The Book

The 84-page book contains 36 character backgrounds each inspired by a card in the tarot, including the entire Major Arcana. You'll also find new skills and spells for your character to utilize and 22 campaign prompts, each representing a part of the journey described in the Major Arcana. There are sections for incorporating your own tarot deck and using tarot draws to help run your game. It has everything you need to tarot your Troika!

Backgrounds are accompanied by tarot cards illustrated by Alex Perkins, Bri de Danann, Matthew Cartwright, and Thérèse Lanz. The book is rounded out with new skills, spells, and campaign and world-building advice, featuring art from Alec Sorensen and Amanda Franck. The stunning book cover is by Ignacio Paul.

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4.96 / 5.00 1713 opinii
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Szybko. Dokładnie. Bezproblemowo. Piekiełko nie takie złe jak je anieli rysują. ;)
Szybko i bezproblemowo. Wzorowa obsługa.