Troika - Triune
Troika - Triune
- Triune is a supplement for the world's second favorite rpg, Troika! featuring a plethora of options for turning your one-shots into long term campaigns.
Tools to turn your numinous Troika! expeditions into longer-form campaigns
Triune is a supplement for the world's second favorite rpg, Troika! featuring a plethora of options for turning your one-shots into long term campaigns.
- A balanced a framework for players to realize their fever dreams and create custom backgrounds.
- Item prices to put those hard-earned silver pence to work.
- Ideas for treasure and what such items might fetch in Troika’s teeming markets.
- Mechanics and random tables to generate radical, unstable esoteric devices.
- A truly absurd innovation by which characters might learn new spells.
- Patrons & organizations that might sponsor or finance a trip into the hump-backed skies and optional methods for characters to gain “experience” in their service.
To grease the rails of your outré outings, Triune also include conversion rules to utilize OSR creatures in your Troika! games. Why not mine the fruits of twisted minds for your sessions? The weird is out there.
From Ecstatic Entropy Games, creators of Elegy of the Sapphire Adept, available here at Exalted Funeral!
Triune is an independent production of Ecstatic Entropy Games and is not affiliated with the Melsonian Arts Council.
The Team:
Created by Ecstatic Entropy Games
Cover art by Perplexing Ruins
An Exalted Funeral exclusive!
32 pages, A5, saddle stitched zine, full color throughout.
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Zin third-party publishera do Trojeczki, w bardzo fajnej amarantowo-fioletowej kolorystyce w środku. Nie ma wprawdzie nie wiadomo jak szalowych ilustracji, ale jest bardzo estetyczny z pewna nuta minimalizmu. Jest tu kilka rożnych tabel ze sprzętami, dziwnymi gadżetami itd., ale to co wg mnie jest najmocniejszą stroną tej publikacji to rozdział poświęcony konwersji statystyk potworów z klasycznych OSRow jak np. OSE, czy z DCC na staty Troiki! - to bardzo fajne narzędzie do użytku i coś, co zdecydowanie daje do myślenia ze strony designersko-mechanicznej. Wg mnie must have dla zarówno fanów Troiki! jak i ogólnie miłośników OSRów i klasycznych erpeżków.
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