Trophy Gold
Trophy Gold
- Trophy Gold is a game of desperate treasure-hunters exploring the lost and forgotten places of the world. It takes the core rules of Trophy Dark and expands them for use in a more traditional, long-term fantasy campaign.
Ennies 2023 - Nominacja w kategorii Produkt roku
Ennies 2023 - Nominacja w kategorii Najlepsza gra
Ennies 2023 - Nominacja w kategorii Najlepsze zasady
Trophy Gold is a game of desperate treasure-hunters exploring the lost and forgotten places of the world. It takes the core rules of Trophy Dark and expands them for use in a more traditional, long-term fantasy campaign. The game mashes together story game and OSR principles to create a gameplay experience that is fast, flexible, and deep.
Here’s what the Trophy Gold book will include:
- A new ruleset, expanded and clarified from what was originally published in Codex - Gold.
- New rules for journeys between incursions, and expanded “back at home” rules.
- Tips for running a great game of Trophy Gold.
- An example-of-play transcript.
- Guidelines for creating your own incursions plus guidelines for converting existing modules to Trophy Gold.
- New backgrounds, occupations, and equipment.
- Over a hundred different ritual and saints, based on the classic B/X D&D magic-user and cleric spells.
- Brand new incursions, unique to Trophy Gold.
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Pięknie wydany, świetnie ilustrowany zbiór kilkunastu przygód. Świetne, inspirujące opisy, dużo możliwości mieszania poprzez losowe tabele z pomysłami, na jakie nie zawsze wpada się samemu. Bardzo ciekawa rzecz, nie tylko do Trophy, ale do każdego systemu, jeśli chcemy mrocznej wyprawy w nieznane.
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